Mentoring and Coaching

Alongside our bespoke Management Development workshops and programmes, we also offer 1:1 coaching and mentoring services.
Sometimes managers need some quality 1:1 time to either explore their personal development more fully or to help them to navigate a particular element of their career and we can help. There are two choices…
1:1 Manager Mentoring
We offer this Mentoring as a package of six sessions, usually delivered virtually. Each session is a mixture of coaching, training and mentoring and is a great opportunity for managers to get development advice to help them settle into, excel or grow in their management roles.
Sessions can be organised in a schedule that suits them, but we find that one every two-weeks or monthly works very well. This allows the manager time between sessions to reflect, implement and play with the topics, suggestions and plans that they have created and be ready to move forward.
1:1 Coaching
We also offer Coaching packages for managers. Coaching is different from Mentoring as it is focused more on allowing the individual to explore and create their own path and solutions to the challenges they face. The Coach’s role is to listen, ask questions and guide the coachee through the process rather than solve the problems or offer solutions. Our coaching sessions are usually delivered virtually and can be in packages of 6, 8, 10 or 12 sessions, split across a number of months.
Which do we need…Mentoring or Coaching?
Deciding which service you need can be tricky…but we can help you decide. Before we begin we will run a short diagnostic with you to explore the current situation, the level of experience and the desired outcomes and then advise on whether Mentoring or Coaching would be most suitable. We can also be flexible within the sessions to suit the manager in the moment. It may be that a mix of both services is more suitable and that is absolutely fine!
To find out more about Mentoring and Coaching or to have a diagnostic chat to see which would suit the individual better, contact us today.